It's been a minute

When my calendar reminders go off telling me to update the blog, I think I have nothing to say and ignore it. And then a year passes and I realize some stuff happened. Most notably, I released the first book of a prequel series. Dawn Of The Dragon Riders explores Balphrahn’s history, specifically (as I’m sure you’ve figured out) how the Wybrens came to be, but also the lives of Brigid and Laoch.

The first book, Path Of The Goddess, came out in October and has done reasonably well. I’m working on the rest of the series, and when it’s complete, I’ll relaunch book 1 and continue with the rest of the series at a faster pace than I would be able to normally.

I will have another book to release next month, but it’s not a Balphrahn book. Well, not entirely. Eclectic Adventures is a collection of short stories I’ve written over the years. Stay tuned for more info on that.

On the home front, we’ve had some turn-over in the Writer Cat department. Chloe got out of the house the end of May and didn’t return home. Tess crossed the rainbow bridge surrounded by her loved ones in August. We thought we were going to lose Ryan a few times. Thankfully, we didn’t, but he’s 18, and I don’t know how many of his lives he has left, so we brought an apprentice on board the end of September. Dorian Gray will be a good writer cat when he’s trained. Right now he think it’s play time when I go in the office, and he often ends up on the other side of the closed door.

Writer cat training

Cat TV on YouTube is our friend. Paul Dinning is our favorite.

There’s more, of course. It’s been a year. But it’s mundane. Write, eat, sleep, play with the cats, fill the coffee cup, etc. Writing is glamourous. For now, I’ll just tell you to watch for updates on the next book. I’m aiming for a cover reveal the middle of next week.

Until then, enjoy your coffee!