Hello and welcome!


coffee with dragons

I’m Wendy Blanton, a fantasy author, teller of Celtic folk tales, and drinker of coffee with dragons.

Are you curious about why one would want to have coffee with dragons? There are a few reasons.

First, I love coffee. It’s my life blood. My heart doesn’t start in the morning until I’ve had my first cup.

Second, I’m currently writing a world with not one but two kinds of dragons, as well as fairies, stone trolls, and glomachs (cute shaggy little critters that can’t be detected by magic).

Third, dragons symbolize challenges. We all have our share, and there’s no avoiding them. You could try to slay them, but why would you? Much better to sit with them over a cup of coffee and learn what they have to teach you. Much more civilized.

Join our community of coffee drinkers wherever you face your dragons — via email, Facebook, or on the blog.

Thanks for stopping by!



“Dawn Before the Dark” is out now! Get your copy of Book One in Wendy’s Balphrahn Series on Amazon or your favorite indie bookstore.