Here but for a moment

I went for a walk a couple days ago down the road that leads to our neighborhood. This used to be farm land and, as happens so much these days, they sold part of it for homes. My first thought in these situations is to lament the beauty of the land that is lost to development. Then I realized I could see further than before. The trees and brush that had been in the ditch were gone, and I could see what was behind them the whole time. Probably this time next year, this view will be at least partially obscured by houses, but I can enjoy it now.

That’s how life works, isn’t it? Things change, for better or worse, and sometimes you can get a glimpse of something different while it’s happening. It’s much nicer to enjoy right now while we have than imagine how awful it’s going to be.

The book is coming along nicely. I’m behind on word count and have already accepted that I might not “win” NaNoWriMo. I’m not concerned. I’ve already beaten word count for several months this year, and I’m enjoying the view along the way. I look forward to showing it to you.