Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!

According to the Chinese Zodiac, 2024 is the Year of the Dragon. I put a lot of work into Coffee With Dragons last year, so this seems like good timing!

There is a line in "Inception" that has stuck with me over the years: "You mustn't be afraid to dream a little bigger, darling." 

I don't know about you, but that's scary to me. 

The thing is, none of us are getting any younger. In most cases, fear is a liar. We don't get anywhere if we stay in our comfort zone. I've spent a few years stretching those boundaries, but this year it's time to dream bigger.

I have a lot planned for this year--four books to write (maybe more--there are two other projects on back burners), at least three published (two are already written), a conference or two, a half dozen or so live events, and a lot of marketing and advertising. 

The other day, I heard someone on the radio say that nothing worthwhile is done alone. We all need a support system and people to help us. I have a good core, but I'm going to need more help in these areas: 

- I need three people who read a lot of fantasy and want more dragons and magic in their lives, preferably ones who read fast and give honest feedback ("Wow, this is great" is nice but not helpful).

- I need a couple dozen who will buy an ebook, read, and review the new books when they launch. 

If you fit one or both of these, get in touch with me.